• Congenital scoliosis: Type of scoliosis is present at birth, due to poor formation or fusion of the vertebral units.
• Idiopathic scoliosis: Type of scoliosis that indicates that to date no cause(s) has been found to cause it. Idiopathic scoliosis is classified as:
• EOS: Scoliosis of Early Origin
• AIS: Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
(Idiopathic: indicates that something occurs spontaneously or has an unknown cause)
• Syndromic scoliosis
• Functional scoliosis (Produced by difference in the length of the lower limbs)
• Neuromuscular scoliosis: This type of scoliosis is caused by a problem in the nervous system that affects the muscles. (may include: Cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, spina bifida and polio etc).
• Hyper kyphosis: Due to Scheuermann’s Disease, Curved back, Osteoporosis
• Hyper lordosis: Present in Olympic gymnastics athletes and other pathologies of the sagittal plane.